Register online Course information Select the course: *-- Select course --NEW WAYS TO TEACH STEAM AND SCREENLESS ICT FOR TEACHERS (CHILDREN 4-6 YEARS)JOB SHADOWING IN KINDERGARTEN (indoor & outdoor activities) Select date: *-- Select date --14.10. - 18.10.2024 Prague7.10. - 11.10.2024 Prague12.5. - 16.5.2025 Prague26.5. - 30.5.2025 Prague13.10. - 17.10.2025 Prague20.10. - 24.10.2025 Prague 1. Do you have an Erasmus+ grant? YES- APPROVEDYES - APPLIED FORNO 2. Details for invoice Name of the Institution (or Name and Surname): * Address of your Educational Institution: * Street number: * Postal code: * City: * Country: * VAT Number (if applicable): Are you: *SchoolAgency Name of the contact person or the person in charge of your Erasmus+ project: * E-mail of the contact person or the person in charge of your Erasmus+ project: * 3. Participants Name: * Surname: * Email: * School/Organization: * -- Select --PRIMARYSECONDARYVOCATIONALUNIVERZITYOTHER -+ If you have any additional questions or comments please let us know: How did you hear about us: A agree with Privacy Policy * * Required field