The course offers new ways for teachers to teach STEAM and screenless ICT activities in their classrooms. Come to experience interactive and hands-on approach. The participants, in the role of children, gain inspiration to build and create a technical world starting with a basic blueprint of a house (water and electric system) gradually advancing on to programming of a robot. The course includes demonstration of activities at a local kindergarten. The aim of the course is to provide teachers with new ideas how to introduce pre-school children (4-6 years) to the technical and digital world surrounding us. We aim to improve teachers’ STEAM and computational thinking.
Gain insight and learn from the experiences of job shadowing. Come to visit three different Czech kindergartens. There will be 5 days of job shadowing in at least 3 kindergartens with different educational concepts. Cost of the 5-days activities is 400 EUR including unique STEM and screen-less digital lesson presented in the classroom with children. The job shadowing can be arranged without the STEM and DIGI lessons for the price of 350 EUR/5 days of job shadowing.